Living with style!

Classic design ideas

Enamel House Numbers and Nameplates

Enamelled house numbers, signs and nameplates made of brass

Hausnummern Emaille »CLASSIC«

Enamel House Numbers Series »CLASSIC«

"Classic" enamel house numbers in various sizes and colours

Hausnummern Emaille »STREET« Emaillehausnummern mit individuellem Straßennamen im Format 15 x 15 cm

Enamel House Number Series »STREET«

Enamelled house numbers with individual street names in the format 15 x 15 cm

Hausnummern Emaille »RONDO« Ovale Emaille-Hausnummern - zweifarbig und mit umlaufendem Rand

Enamel House Number Series »RONDO«

Oval enamel house numbers 14 or 17 x 10 cm - with and without border ornament

Hausnummern Emaille »NUEVO« Emaillehausnummern in leuchtend brillianten Farben - ohne umlaufenden Rand

Enamel House Number Series »NUEVO«

Enamel house numbers in bright, brilliant colours - without edge

Türschilder und Hinweisschilder Messingschilder zum Gravieren und Emailleschilder für Klingel oder Briefkasten

Brass and Enamel Door Plates

Brass plates for engraving and enamel plates for doorbells or mailboxes

Emailleschilder individuell beschriftet Schilder aus Emaille mit Wunschtext - Größe, RAL-Farben und Schrifttype nach Angabe

Enamel Plates with Individual Inscription

Enamel signs with text of your choice - size, RAL colours and font type in various designs

Emaille Straßenschilder Lange Emailleschilder mit individueller Beschriftung  - zwei Schrifttypen zur Wahl

Enamel Street Name Signs

Large enamel plates with customised labelling - two font types to choose from

The enamel house number - the classic on the house wall

Every house has to have a house number. For many decades, this has been the enamelled house number. Enamel is a unique composite material made of metal and baked glass. Enamel colours do not fade. They are absolutely lightfast. The colour brilliance of enamelled signs is permanently retained.

Whether as a bright splash of colour or as a house number in an unusual oval shape - all our house numbers are slightly cambered. The numbers are stencilled, i.e. not simply printed on, but slightly raised. This gives them an exceptionally vivid effect. Enamel house numbers are house numbers that will definitely be noticed by visitors or the postman.

If you want to be noticed in front of your house or want to give special instructions in a stylish way, we offer individual production with labelling and size as required.

All enamel plates, whether house numbers, information signs or street name signs, are individually manufactured in a small enamelling plant in the Black Forest.