Decorative Cement Tiles

Cement floor tiles with a variety of motifs and vibrant, iridescent colours

Zementfliesen mit alten Mustern »VIA« Zementfliesen mit aufwendigen Dekoren in verschiedenen Größen, Farben und Formen

Cement Floor Tiles Series »VIA«

Cement tiles with elaborate designs in various sizes, colours and shapes

Traditionelle Zementfliesen »FINA« Mehrfarbige feinornamentierte Mosaikfliesen und unifarbene Fliesen im Format 14 x 14 cm

Cement Floor Tiles Series »FINA«

Multicoloured finely ornamented mosaic tiles and unicoloured tiles in the format 14 x 14 cm

Zementfliesen mediterran »BREDA« Mosaikfliesen mit feingliedriger Ornamentik im Standardformat 20 x 20 cm

Cement Floor Tiles Series »BREDA«

Mosaic tiles with delicate ornamentation in standard format 20 x 20 cm

Zementfliesen Vintage-Design »AZUL« Dekorfliesen mit zarten Farbtöne im kleinen Format 15 x 15 cm

Cement Floor Tiles Series »AZUL«

Decor tiles with delicate colours in the small format 15 x 15 cm

Cement tiles: Unique floors with style and character

Decorative cement tiles are more than just a floor covering - they are a statement of style and character. These exceptional cement tiles combine the refined aesthetics of marble with the robust durability of white cement. Their velvety soft surface and subtle, iridescent colour tones create a harmonious overall look that becomes even more beautiful with time. A unique patina develops with every use, making the tiled floor lively and unmistakable.
As each tile is unique, exciting colour nuances are created that bring even a single-coloured surface to life. The irregular shades create a dynamic look that adds a special touch to your room.

Unfortunately, cement floor tiles are not suitable for outdoor use!