
Sandblasted motif glasses, embossed structured glasses, glass corners and glass borders

Musselinglas mit alten Mustern Satinierte Glastafeln mit filigranen, durchlaufenden Mustern

Muslin glass with old patterns

Satinised glass panels with filigree, continuous patterns

Buntglasecken mit Ornament Friesenecken in leuchtenden Farben für Sprossenfenster und Türen

Stained Glass Corners with Ornament

Frieze corners in bright colours for transom windows and doors

Historisches Motivglas Individuell gestrahlte Gläser mit Dekoren aus Historismus und Jugendstil

Historical Motif Glass

Individually blasted glasses with historicism and art nouveau decorations

Ornamentglas mit geprägter Struktur Dekorative  Gussgläser mit verschiedenen Mustern - weiß oder farbig

Structured Glass

Decorative cast glasses with various patterns - white or coloured

Glasborden und Glasecken Gestrahlte Glasborden und Glasecken für Sprossentüren und Fenster

Sandblasted Glass Borders and Glass Corners

Bevelled glass borders and glass corners for transom doors and windows

Facettenschliffglas Gläser mit geschliffenen facettierten Kanten - Klarglas oder Glas mit Eisblumendekor

Facet cut glass

Glass with bevelled edges - clear glass or glass with ice flower decoration

Bleiverglasungen Künstlerisch gestaltete bunte Bleiglasfenster - gefertigt nach Ihren Maßvorgaben

Leaded glass

Artistically designed coloured lead glass windows - made to your specifications

Glasses for a beautiful view

Glass in doors and windows creates light and bright rooms. However, a clear view is not always desirable.

Structured Glass with embossed ornaments - white or coloured - Etched Glass with a continuous pattern or individually manufactured motif glass can be used to structure glass surfaces beautifully and with character.

Stained Glass Corners and blasted motif borders and Glass Corners are once again available for the classic transom doors from the turn of the century. These are made to order by our glazier according to your specifications.

Glass with cut facets is also customised, whether with clear glass or opaque ice flower glass. They are not only used in doors, but also as inserts in cabinets or display cabinets.

Our Leaded glass is handcrafted by our glass artist. They look extremely colourful and can almost be described as handcrafted works of art these days.