Traditional Style Bathrooms

Sanitary ceramics, bathroom faucets, bathtubs and accessories

Traditionelle Badkeramik Fürs Bad mit nostalgischem Flair: Waschtische, Waschbecken, WCs und Bidets

Traditional Bathroom Ceramics

For the bathroom with a nostalgic flair: washbasins, WCs and bidets

Klassische Badezimmerarmaturen Elegante Armaturen für Waschtisch, Badewanne und Dusche

Classic Bathroom Faucets

Elegant mixer taps for washbasin, bath and shower

Freistehende Badewannen Gusseisen Emaillierte Badewannen aus Gusseisen - mit verzierten Standfüßen oder mit Verkleidung

Free Standing Bathtubs

Enamelled cast iron bathtubs - with decorated pedestals or with panelling

Traditionelle Handtuchtrockner Formschöne Handtuchwärmer - freihstehend oder zur Wandmontage

Traditional Towel Warmers

Elegant towel warmers - free-standing or wall-mounted

Accessoires fürs exklusive Badezimmer Spiegel, Handtuchhalter, Seifenschalen, Zahnputzbecher und Ablagen

Accessories for Exclusive Bathrooms

Mirror, towel rail, soap dishes, toothbrush tumbler and shelves

Retro-Waschbecken aus Porzellan Farbenfrohe Porzellan-Waschbecken mit Wandschürze in verschiedenen Größen

Retro Porcelain Washbasin

Colourful porcelain washbasins with wall apron in various sizes

Bathrooms with nostalgic flair

The bathroom - a room that is frequently visited.

More than any other room, the bathroom should also be a feel-good space.
Traditional bathrooms conjure up such a feel-good atmosphere in an instant.

Is it the beautifully shaped old washbasins, the inviting bathtub or the carefully selected fittings with nostalgic cross handles? Is it the traditional floor or wall design that makes the impression? As always, it's probably a combination of everything.

For your well-being, we offer large freestanding cast iron bathtubs, with or without lion feet, washbasins with elegant brass consoles or discreetly decorated washbasins. The good old toilet with wooden seat and cistern is also a must.

Beautifully shaped taps, Towel Warmers and bathroom accessories are details that contribute significantly to the nostalgic flair.